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10 More Sustainable and COVID Friendly Christmas Gifts to give This Year

Am I the only who who is pretty much already done with the Christmas presents this year? I learn, year by year, to get better with the Christmas presents; not only regarding getting done as soon as possible so that I am not stressed the last days before Christmas, but also regarding being creative with the choice of Christmas presents in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly perspective. This year has also been different in many aspects, and I know that many have less money to buy Christmas gifts for. Don’t worry, I got you covered on that note too.

I can unfortunately not share to you what Christmas gifts I’m giving to my family this year (since I know there’s a big chance one of them - big sis - will read this post), but I still recommend you to check out my list with 10 Christmas present ideas that are sustainable and perfect to give to your friends and beloved ones this year if you need some inspiration.

10 more Sustainable and Isolation Friendly Christmas Gifts to give this year:

  1. Buy second hand and vintage. Let’s start with the basic and the most amazing one. It’s not only the best for the environment since you are re-using products that have already been made, but you will also find unique pieces that no one else can get. Second hand and vintage doesn’t necessarily mean that something is old either. It can simply mean that people have bought something new, not being happy with it or only have had it for a short while, to realize that they don’t want it anymore and therefore they are selling it cheap to someone else. It’s a perfect way to find something that is pretty much entirely new, but for a cheaper price!

  2. Home made Christmas giftas are underestimated. Remember when you were a kid and your parents loved every single ugly (or pretty) drawing, hand craft or other things you had made in kindergarten or school, that you gave then? Don’t believe that your family won’t appreciate homemade things now when being older either. Tiktok have some amazing handcraft videos on, for instance, how to make twisted candles which are so simple and yet so beautiful! You can for instance also buy a vintage jar or box of some kind and then fill it with homemade cookies and give it as a Christmas gift (as in the photo over here in the post). Simple but appreciated!

  3. Buy organic Christmas presents. If you want to buy something materialistic, buy something that is organic at least. Clothes, underwear, pajamas, candles, soaps, beauty products and food are just a few out of many alternatives that can be found organically made.

  4. Donate money to an organization. If you brother for instance doesn’t need anything, why don’t you donate some money to an organization in his name instead. Christmas gifts that matter and makes a difference for other people are so important.

  5. Workout and/or yoga. Last year I gave my mom a membership at a gym, because she needed some help to take that first step of getting started with working out, and she appreciated it so much! If the gyms are closed where you are living due of the COVID-isolation, you can still invest in a gift that contributes to a better health - both physically or mentally. Buy someone a workout or yoga mat to be able to have home workout or yoga with great videos on youtube. Buy someone a a membership on a workout and health app (like OWNU) to give that person the possibility of working out from home too. Give someone a new pair of walking shoes, walking sticks, a jumping rope, or whatever associated to maintain a better health. That Is a good Christmas present in my opinion.

  6. Books are actually something I think you can buy either old or new. You learn so much when reading, a book can give you so much joy and a book is a great present to give to both kids and adults. It doesn’t really matter if you buy a fiction, fact or for instance a cook book. It will be appreciated no matter.

  7. Gift card with an optional “experience”. Be creative and make a festive card or “gift card” where you give away an experience. It can be an “experience” like eating waffles at the Waffle House in your home town, going to the tivoli together, going to the cinema to watch that movie you’ve been wanting to watch together since last year, or going to that art exhibition you both love. This is a longterm gift and doesn’t need to be possible to do now during Christmas and in these COVID times, but it’s nice to give away an experience so that both of you have something to look forward to when COVID has disappeared or decreased.

  8. Food. Food is always appreciated and one can give food in various ways. You can make a gift basket with various foods, cookies, fruits and beverages (or a bottle of wine), or give a culinary experience instead. Since many restaurants are closed now during the isolation, you don’t need to treat someone a dinner at a restaurant - homemade dinner is just as cozy and delicious! Not speaking of all the thought and love you put into making a homemade dinner for someone else.

  9. Biking possibilities. Producing a bike is maybe not that environmentally friendly, but giving away a bike as a Christmas present makes a huge difference for the environment long term, if that person is choosing to bike instead or for instance taking the car or bus. New bikes are expensive though, so you do have the alternative of finding second hand bikes (that are in great condition) or buying a membership at a “bike sharing station” that are available in many cities around Sweden and other cities, at least, in Europe. In Gothenburg we have “Styr och Ställ”.

  10. Photos. “We take photos as a return ticket to moments otherwise gone”, and now when many have been isolated for a long time and might need a reminder of the better and joyful times, it’s great giving a photo present to someone beloved. I have given my mom a calendar with various photos of our family, every single Christmas since 2012 - no joke. She loved it 2012 and she till loves getting it 8 years later. So you can give some nice printed photos and frame them, you can give a photo calendar, a cup, a pillow or whatever really with a nice photo (of something optional) on, or give someone a photo memory book. Photos are always appreciated.

Not only this, in this IG reel I show you how you can be Christmas wrapping your gifts, in a more sustainable but beautiful way too. We are using Furoshiki towel wrapping, reusable materials, natural and edible decorations, and much more. Tap here to watch.