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Nutritious and Simple Isolation and Quarantine Foods to Make

In serious COVID 19-times like these, it is very easy to freak out, get stressed and maybe even hysterical. Be careful and respectful towards them who actually can get sick, but remember to not forget laughing and making the best out of the situation too. I don't know how it is in the country you are living in, but I feel like people in Sweden don’t take this as seriously as they should. From the 24th of November, new restrictions will be put in and I at least will be following them. There’s no need to bunkering up with food, hand wash and toilet paper and being hysterical like people were in the beginning of this pandemic. However, I think you should follow the restrictions and stay home as much as possible. You’ll have the time to do the things you possibly didn’t have time to do before too. It doesn’t have to be that bad!

This also takes me to today's post - isolation and quarantine food! This is food you make with various ingredients you probably have at home in your pantry. This is food that is simple to make. This is food that still is delicious and nutritious. If you are staying home because you have a low immune defense, you are in isolation or quarantine (personal or your whole region/country) or because you simply want to give yourself some “me time” and try out something new - check out these recipes! This is a perfect time to try out new cooking and food!


Pasta, pasta pasta. I'm sure the Italians whom been in quarantine for a long time this year, have lots of various pasta stored in their pantries. You should too! You can make delicious pasta dishes with this. For instance with a simple delicious tomato sauce, with pasta pesto, pasta Bolognese or... Creamy Sun Dried Tomato Olive Pasta with Vegan Filets (or Tofu) and Fresh Basil.

Crushed Tomatoes

This is one of those ingredients that has so many possibilities of variations. If you don't have crushed (or passed) tomatoes in your pantry, go to your closest super market and buy some. This ingredient is a key ingredient to make a delicious pumpkin soup, pasta with vegan “meat”balls and tomato saucethe Turkish vegan dish Imam Bayildi or vegan cannelloni to name a few!

Coconut Milk

This is also one of those ingredients that are kind of underestimated, but which really is fantastic. You can make delicious vegan soups with coconut milk, or asian inspired dishes like my Vegan Curry Stew with Peanut butter and wok veggies.

Peanut Butter

When I was backpacking on a low budget in Australia by myself a few years ago I always bought peanut butter. Peanut butter is satisfying, healthy and gives you lots of great energy. You can add a spoon to your breakfast, over your porridge, or eat it straight out the jar as it is. Spread it over a toast, on a banana or make delicious simple desserts with it - like stuffed dates. Peanut butter is the best!

In the photo is Pear Porridge Bowl with Peanut Butter, Cinnamon and Hazelnuts.

Beans, Lentils and other Legumes

We can't forget to discuss the perfect vegan protein source. You can have beans of various kinds (canned or dried) stored in your pantry for a looooong time and yet make delicious and nutritioning recipes with them. You can make hot red lentil stewchili sin carne, hummus, vegan Caesar salad and so much more!

In the photo: Moroccan Chickpea Stew.

Grains like rice, bulgur and/or oats

Don't forget our carb sources. Buy rice and/or bulgur and make delicious salads (for instance Clean Bulgur Salad with Pomegranate, Avocado and Olives) with them or have them just as a side to your main dish. Oats are great in many ways. You can eat them as porridge in the morning, granola, desserts or bread - like, Fiber Bread Rolls!

Other great ingredients to have:

Frozen veggies, flour, dates, olive oil and/or coconut oil a little bit of sweets, and chocolate chocolate chocolate. Also, vegetables are very important to eat but if not having the possibility of going out to buy new fresh ones often, choose veggies that can be stored for a longer time without getting bad. I’d recommend you to choose root vegetables like carrots, onions, to some extent potatoes, sweet potato, parsnip, pumpkin, butternut squash, beetroot and cabbage.


Speaking about having the time to do things you usually don’t, clean your pantries, your fridge and freezer. Make new delicious recipes out of various foods you have, leftovers or almost empty jars and packages. Use the ingredients you have. Try not to throw anything away. This is truly a great possibility for you to evolve your cooking skills, try new recipes and challenge yourself in the kitchen. If you do so, or try any of my recipes, I’d love to see your recreations! Tag me @100kitchenstories on facebook or instagram so that I can see your recreation and repost them on my social media (if you give me the permission). Let’s make this isolation time into something more fun and joyful!

In the photo to the right: Fluffy Vegan Focaccia. Can be made with various ingredients you have in your pantry.