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Where to Eat: Ristorante Bellora in Gothenburg

Looking for a luxurious brunch when in Gothenburg? Let me tell you all about it!

It was a while ago I tested a new food concept or a restaurant, and a question I often receive from you all is where you can find the best breakfast or brunch when in Gothenburg. I don’t know where the best one is yet, but last weekend when I had Camilla Hamid (Mykitchenstories) as a visitor, we were out pretty much all weekend long and ate on restaurants. That is the reason why I today want to tell you all about our wonderful and delicious brunch on Hotel & Ristorante Bellora.

Hotel & Ristorante Bellora is a hotel with a restaurant located on the avenue, Kungsportsavenyn, in the centre of Gothenburg. It’s visible and easy for people to find, but this also means that it often has a lot of visitor. Therefore, I recommend booking a table before going there - especially during weekends.

The hotel has its own restaurant, and during summers they even have an outdoor serving too which is very nice and cozy to sit at. The interior design is very cozy and I love the way they combine the dark interior with wood panel and dark tables and chairs, with fresh colorful flowers, vintage cutlery and the walls filled with loads of (Italian) wines. As you probably can guess by the name, the hotel and the restaurant is Italian inspired, but I don’t think they interpret it in a cheesy or tacky way. The interior of the restaurant feels both cozy, a little bit luxurious and grown up.

Me and Camilla arrived at the restaurang at around 13:20 and got a table at their outdoor serving. In their brunch, three dishes are included so we decided to pick 6 dishes which we shared, and then we picked each an alcohol free drink. The drink was really good actually. It felt so summery, so nice and fresh. The drink was unfortuanyl not on the menu so I donated know the name of it. We just asked the waitress for an alcohol free drink, she said “I’ll solve it” and we drank them while eating some homebred bread dipped in olive oil, while waiting for our main dishes of the brunch.

Well, where should I start? Since none of us eat meat, we excluded that from all of our dishes. We chose the focaccia with almond potato and rosemary (we excluded the meat) which was fantastic. The focaccia was crispy on the outside but soft and great on the inside. Its olive oil had a wonderful smell, and the simple combination with almondd potato and rosemary was delicious.

Grilled asparagus with parmesan and hazelnuts was the next thing we had picked. I love asparagus, and this was no difference. I think I just would have preferred having a little bit less parmesan (yes, really) so that the parmesan wouldn’t take over the flavor of the asparagus. Otherwise, fresh and delicious.

Bruschetta with poached egg, truffle and pecorino. Well you can probably guess only by reading the name that this was good stuff. The brushetta was a little bit brisk, and that in combination with the soft toppings and the perfect poached effects, was like a match made in heaven.

Fried shrimps with lemon and aioli. We thought that we would receive some few small shrimps, but they actually came out with 3 big crayfishes? Can you see how nicely cooked they are? Peel, dip in the aioli and don’t forget to add a few drops of lemon. It will get messy when you peel the crayfish but it will be worth it. It was so delicious to break of the other dishes with some nice sea food.

In summary, this brunch did unfortunately not have so many options for vegans. It was easier to get it vegetarian (we simply just removed the meat from some dishes) but check out their menu before going there so you don’t sit there without getting any food. However, if you are not a vegan - please go there! Wow! You get lots of food for the price, and the food was also in great quality and in so much taste. You know how you after a brunch can feel that it was very rich and you feel extremely full? We didn’t feel this way. Or sure, of course we were full but the food was fresh and in lighter textures, so even though we had eaten plenty we didn’t feel like going to bed straight afterwards.

Thank you Ristorante Bellora for this nice brunch. We’d love to come by again!