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Oven Baked Feta Cheese and Oven Roasted Tomato with Balsamico Honey Vinaigrette

The Only Thing I like Better than Talking about Food is Eating - John Walters.

Omg, where should I even start? This has to be one of the most simple but yet so fantastic side dishes ever! If you didn’t know, feta cheese + any kind of tomato in general, is like a match made in heaven. They suit so well together, raw, cooked, baked, fried, warm or cold. Today I have made a version in the oven with a delicious balsamico honey vinaigrette, and on the side a simpel arugula salad. You can do and eat these three different sides separately if you want to to some other main dish. You can serve the feta cheese and tomatoes both warm and cold too.


  • Vegetarian

  • Only needing a few ingredients

  • Very luxurious flavors

  • Simpel to make

  • Can be eaten both warm and cold

Oven Roasted Tomatoes and Feta Cheese with Simple Arugula Salad


1 block, á 100 g, feta cheese

400 g cocktail tomatoes on twig

approx 1 + 2 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp balsamico vinegar

1 tsp honey

Sea salt

2 hands full of arugula

1/3 red onion

2 tbsp pumpkin seeds

+ Chili flakes if you want to, can be excluded


  • Heat oven to 200 degrees C.

  • Brush on some olive oil in a square baking pan, approx 30x15 cm.

  • Combine 2 tbsp oliv exil, balsamico and honey thoroughly to a dressing in a bowl.

  • Place the tomatoes, with the twig, in the baking pan. Ripple over some of the vinaigrette and finish with some salt.

  • Place the tomatoes into the oven first and let them be there for 10’.

  • Take out the baking pan from the oven, place the feta cheese next to the tomatoes and ripple over just a little bit of the vinaigrette (you don’t need to use the whole vinaigrette) over the feta cheese. Re-place the whole pan into the oven again and let both of the ingredients be In the oven for another 10’.

  • If you are making the arugula salad, simply place the arugula in a bowl. Finely slice the onion and add that to the bowl. Add the dressing and some salt and finish with pumpkin seeds.

  • When the feta and tomatoes are done you can serve them directly as sides with the arugula salad, or wait for it to cool too. If you want to, sprinkle some chili flakes on top of the feta cheese otherwise keep It as it is.