Healthy Saturday Breakfast with Protein Rich Pancakes and Smoothie Bowls

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Smile, it’s Saturday!

I must say that it was nice to wake up to Saturday and weekend this week. The weeks pass by quickly, the holiday feeling is over and a lot of work is starting to come. Maybe it's time to book a vacation? Until I book a new trip, it is big breakfasts, which are eaten slowly without stress, that gives me a little bit of vacation feeling. I had wished it had also been nice and warm weather outdoors, so I could have sat outdoors and enjoyed it, but not today.

The ultimate healthy Saturday breakfast.

This breakfast is a combination of what I think a true Saturday breakfast should look like. We have fresh fruits, protein rich pancakes, beautiful smoothie bowls, colors, healthy ingredients, freshness and lots of deliciousness.

This breakfast consists of Rasberry Acai Bowls with Raw Nötgranola, fresh spearmint, berries and coconut chips. We also have protein rich pancakes with organic banana, ginger syrup, peanut butter and roasted coconut chips. And last but definitely not least, I have also added some slices of delicious Greek watermelon.

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  • Vegetarian

  • Protein Rich

  • Lactose Free

  • Can be made gluten free

  • Delicious

  • Perfect for a Saturday Breakfast

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Protein Rich Pancakes


1 egg

2 eggwhites

1 dl lactose free milk

½ ripped big banana

2 dl fibre or gluten free oats

a pinch of real vanilla powder

½ tsp cinnamon


  • Use a stick blender to mash your banana. Then mix all ingredients together until lumpfree.

  • Heat a frying pan with optional cooking fat, and fry your pancakes.

  • Serve with optional ingredients, like peanut butter, banana, toasted coconut chips and optional syrup.


  • You can also change 0,5 dl oats into 0,5 dl of protein powder. It's not necessary though since the recipe it self contains 29 g of protein, all natural, without the protein powder included.

Don’t forget to tag #100kitchenstories and @100kitchenstories on Instagram if you remake any of my recipes.

I’d love to see your recreations!


Gluten Free Vegan Seed Crackers


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