Where To Eat: Fergburger, Queenstown NZ

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A few years ago I was backpacking all by myself - at the other side of the world - in Australia and New Zealand. It was a fantastic trip and I got the chance to eat some fantastic foods at various restaurants. When I got to Queenstown in New Zeeland I just had to try a burger joint that so many people had recommended me to try. Let me introduce to you: Fergburger!

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Fergburger is located on the main stress in Queenstown and is open from 08.30 am to 05.00 am every day of the week (yes, you read that right!). I heard about this place before actually coming to New Zealand - both from tourists and New Zealanders. So it was a must try when getting to Queenstown! Apparently so did everybody also think, because when I got there the queue was massive. I actually was a little bit reluctant first, like how good can a hamburger be? Do I reallyyyy want to wait in this massive line? I’m now very happy that I did! Because although the line was long, it only took 10 minutes until I was able to order. After that it took another 15 minutes to get my hamburger. So, so, so worth it!

You have no idea how hard it was for me to choose one hamburger - they all sounded deli-cious. I however ended up ordering their Southern Swine hamburger, with prime New Zealand Beef, American streaky bacon, lettuce, tomato, red onion, avocado, aioli and tomato relish (drooling as I’m typing this). My first impression? That the hamburger was HUGE! You could easily share this hamburger between two, making it worth the 13 dollars I’ve paid for it. Second impression? Unbelievable fresh! As you can see on the photos, the lettuce had this amazing green fresh color and the bread was not soggy and deflated as hamburger bread many times can be, but instead felt like something they baked an hour ago. My third impression? DELICIOUS! The bread was perfectly light grilled, the ingredients filled with flavour and the bacon perfectly crispy, all at the same time perfectly balanced with the creaminess of the avocado and the mouth-watering beef. Maybe one of the best hamburgers I’ve ever tasted to completely honest!

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Fergburger opened in 2001 and was then only a “hole in the wall” kind of restaurant. They grew rapidly and got a bigger venue, but they still don’t have any good seating options indoors, and outdoors there are only some few tables to sit at. That’s not really an issue though, because you get your burger in a take-away bag, perfect to take with you if you want to sit by the lake or on some bench near a green area.

I absolutely one hundred percent recommend you to try out Fergburger! They have a great variety of hamburgers - both with meat and vegetarian - and the prices are definitely fair since you get a big, high-quality, mouth-watering hamburger. Can’t wait to get back to New Zealand to eat more of Fergburgers hamburgers!

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