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Barcelona Travel Diary

Barcelona is always a good idea.

About a week ago I returned home from Barcelona, and I still live on the summer heat, the relaxing aura and the vacation mood I got, now when I am on Swedish grounds again. Everyone who I know have been to Barcelona loves it, and so did I. Only 4 months ago I also went to visit Madrid for the first time and I have realized there’s something about SPAIN I really like. It kind of reminds me a bit of Greece (my second home country) so that might be the reason I get these “wow feelings”.

That is the reason why I today want to show you various photos form my days in Barcelona, to tell you what we were up to. Let’s do this!

I didn’t travel to Barcelona byt myself. I met up a girl from Germany who I had met in New Zeland over a year ago. Because you remember I was backpacking by myself last year (2017) right? I had just met Lea for one day, we became friends and we decided - not 14 months later - to meet in Barcelona. So much fun!

Our first real day in Barcelona started with a walk to Brunch & Cake; a popular brunch place I have written a post about here. We ate our delicious breakfast there and then started to explore the city. We really walked all day long in the sun and heat, stopped were we wanted to take photos, and pretty much checked out all the touristy “to do things” in the city.

After walking over 25 000 steps that day we were so tired and wanted to return home. We were supposed to go out and sit on an outdoor serving somewhere that evening but we were so tired after the long way that we decided to sleep early to be able to wake up to our day 2 with energy!

After having a calm evening the day before, we woke up ready for a new day. This time we planned to visit the colorful Park Gûel which is one of Barcelona’s most famous sightseeings. We walked as usual, and it took us almost an hour just getting there. On the way there we passed by a bakery, bought some bakery for breakfast though, and ate it on the go. What happened when we got there? Well, we couldn’t get in. Apparently there were too many people at the park and we couldn’t get in. So we ended p walking around the park (which was open), took some photos there too and actually got the chance to see all Barcelona from this high point. It was beautiful.

We kept walking around exploring the city, took a walk to the marine and sat there in the sun munching each of us with an ice cream, before we returned home to get ready for the evening. We ate dinner at a very nice asian restaurant (Lamuna Cuina) and thereafter walked to the bar area. I don’t drink any alcohol so I chose alcohol free drinks but we had a very nice night and ended up going home when the bar closed at 2 am.

Our Thursday and actually our last whole day started - as usual - with lots of walking through the city. This time we left the downtown and walked towards the sea and the beach. We ate our fresh and healthy breakfasts first on “Surf House”’s outdoor serving in the sun with the sea as our view. After that it was time for relaxing on the beach. We were at the beach sun bathing for approx 2 hours, until our bodies started to get red and almost burned. So instead we took a walk on the boulevard by the sea, towards the club area, before we turned around to walk towards our home again. On our way home though, we got a bit distracted and ended up visiting one of the most popular gelato places to get ourselves a gelato flower each… which both of us ended up eating within a few minutes only

Our day didn’t end there though! We took a rest, took a shower and prepared ourselves for the evening when we got home. We met up another two Swedish girls, where one of them I had also met in Australia last year in the evening and we all took a walk towards El Pachucho. This is a fantastic small genuin place with sick quesadillas, tacos, drinks and NACHO PLATES - seriously. This was probably one of the most delicious things I have ever eaten. It’s not luxury, not expensive but just genuine and soooo delicious! We had a nice start of our evening where everyone was together, and then the girls took us to a secret bar which was located behind a book shelf in a cafe. It was just like in movies where there are secret passages behind book shelves. I can’t say where this was but it was really good. The night ended dancing on the club Pacha and Opium.

The Friday was short for me because I was taking the flight home by lunch time, so the only thing I had time to do was taking a coffee in the sun together. It was sad leaving both Lea and Barcelona, but I feel like I will go back and meet Lea too soon again. All and all, it was a great trip and I thought April was great period of time of visiting Barcelona. The flight and hotel was cheap, it was warm but not too hot to not be able to walk around, and at the same time Barcelona wasn’t crowded with tourists like it is during summer. Very good in other words!